5k løb.

5k løb.

Lise og hende kolleger, samt Trine og Mette havde tilmeldt sig et 5 Km løb på et af vores lokale vin plantager. Guleroden for ende af målstregen va

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Valentine's day

Valentine's day

Valentine's dag, hearts feast or flowers merchant's holiday. A day that has many names, and not least traditions. I Sarah's klasse skulle

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Brace and boot

Brace and boot

Hejsa Det er efterhånden længe siden i har hørt nyt fra os pga. some minor technical difficulties which we are supposed to be behind us. Konsek

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Karate test

Karate test

Sunday 14. June was Trine, Mette, Sarah and Torben for a 4-hour karate exam with the aim of obtaining a new belt. Sarah fik hendes brune

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