

Vi har i flere år talt om at tage på camping i løbet af sommeren men det er blevet ved snakken. I starten af Juli besluttede vi så en hurtig cam

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Trine's birthday

Trine's birthday

Today is Trine's birthday, hurray, hurray, Hurray we sang tradition from the early morning. Denne gang dog med et større sangkor end normalt pga v

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Visit from Denmark

Visit from Denmark

Some highlights from the visit from Denmark. Besides confirmation party was also for a trip to Washington DC where they were on a guided bus tour,

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Fun with homemade

Fun with homemade

Is there anything more Danish than cosiness? During January we have repeatedly read how Americans have become aware of the Danish term Hygge. Man k

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Christmas lighting

Christmas lighting

Since this year we were at home in connection with Thanksgiving, we got our outdoor Christmas lighting up to early December. Faktisk var det dejligt at få

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