Sr. Brun Belte.

Sr. Brun Belte.

Mette was today for karate trial where she one "A" karaterer was promoted to Senior Brown belt or black belt been a candidate. This means that Me

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Hip hop end.

Hip hop end.

May is in many ways a busy month for us as the combination of school draws to a close with what belongs to the exam, school trips and not mi

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School Tour

School Tour

Lisa was with Mette and her class on a trip to the Natural History Museum in Washington DC, samt Theodore Roosevelt Island. The weather was good, saw the girl

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Nyt gyngestativ

Nyt gyngestativ

The time has come where the girls have outgrown our old playground which was picked up by a neighbor to their children. Technically, there was nothing wrong with it

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Mette with the job

Mette with the job

Today is a special day for Mette as schools in the municipality of Fredrick holds "Bring your child to work day", or translated "tag where children with the job". And

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Flowers in pots

Flowers in pots

Spring also means that it's time to plant flowers in the 4 jars Lise front of the house. This year, the task was handed over to Sarah and Mette imen

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